Eyelash Extensions Guide: Eyelash Extensions Drooping Down? How To Fix Them

Drooping eyelash extensions can be frustrating, especially after investing time and money into achieving the perfect fluttery lashes. Whether due to poor application, natural oils, or simply the passage of time, seeing your extensions lose their lift is disheartening. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into expert solutions on how to fix drooping eyelash extensions effectively.

What Do Drooping Eyelashes Look Like?

If you’re experiencing drooping eyelash extensions, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent any discomfort or potential damage to your natural lashes. Here are some potential symptoms:

Physical Symptoms:

  • The most obvious symptom is the appearance of drooping or sagging eyelash extensions.
  • The extensions may seem misaligned or uneven compared to the natural lash line.
  • Experiencing discomfort or heaviness around the eyelids due to the weight of the extensions.

Visual Symptoms:

  • Noticeable gaps between the extensions and natural lashes.
  • Extensions appearing to point in different directions rather than following a uniform curve.
  • Difficulty in opening or closing the eyes fully due to the weight or misalignment of the extensions.

Why Are My Eyelashes Drooping?

If you are experiencing droopy eyelash extensions, it is important to understand the reasons behind it in order to find solutions and maintain the best looks for your eyelashes.

  • Poor Application Technique: One of the most common causes is improper application. If the extensions are not correctly attached to each natural lash, they may not support the weight, leading to a drooping effect.
  • Weak Adhesive: The strength of the adhesive plays a critical role. Insufficiently strong adhesive may result in the extensions loosening and sagging over time, or even falling off prematurely, creating uneven lashes.
  • Excessive Moisture: Moisture exposure can weaken the adhesive bond. Water, sweat, and other moisture forms can cause the extensions to lose shape and droop. It’s important to avoid getting eyelash extensions wet for a certain period after application to prevent this issue.
  • Natural Lash Angle and Strength: Lashes that naturally grow in a downward direction may struggle to support extensions that curl upwards, leading to a droopy appearance. Additionally, if the natural lashes are weak, they might not be able to bear the weight of certain extensions.


  • Extension Weight and Size: The choice of extensions plays a pivotal role. Heavy, long, or thick extensions can overwhelm the natural lashes, leading to a downward sag if they are not suitable for the client’s lash type.
  • Style Choices: Specific styling choices, like the cat-eye effect with elongated lashes towards the outer corners, can inadvertently lead to drooping, especially in eyes with a natural downturn.
  • Environmental Factors: Rarely, extreme heat exposure can alter the curl of lash extensions, affecting their intended shape and causing droopy eyelash extensions.
  • Improper Aftercare: Neglecting proper lash maintenance, such as regular cleaning and brushing, can result in buildup and tangles. This accumulated debris can weigh down the lashes, causing them to droop.
  • Client’s Sleeping Habits: The way one sleeps can impact the shape of lash extensions. Stomach sleepers, in particular, might find their lashes pressed and bent out of shape, contributing to a droopy look.

In conclusion, a multitude of factors contribute to droopy eyelashes. A comprehensive understanding and proactive approach in managing these factors are key to ensuring the longevity and aesthetic appeal of lash extensions, ultimately leading to higher client satisfaction and trust in the lash artist’s expertise.

How To Fix Drooping Eyelash Extensions?

If you are encountering issues with droopy or sagging eyelash extensions, there is no need to be concerned. We’re here to suggest simple ways on how to fix this problem by outlining proper methods for lash technicians and clients to answer the question “How to fix drooping eyelash extensions”!

How To Fix Drooping Eyelash Extensions (For Lash Techs)

  1. Go Shorter
    If the lashes you choose are too long, they can end up weighing down your client’s natural lashes, which can lead to a droopy look. Using very long lashes on the outer corner of the eye can sometimes also create the illusion of a droopy, downturned eye.
    Either way, make sure to choose the right eyelash extension length for your client and create a lash map that’ll flatter their eye shape.
  2. Go Thinner
    Thick, heavy lashes can also pull your client’s lashes down, not to mention they can put stress on their lash line and lead to damage.
    Choosing the right thickness is a science, so I highly recommend reading the following guide to make sure you’re doing it correctly: Lash Extension Thickness: How to Choose, Chart & Calculator
  3. Use a Stronger Curl
    If you know that the lash length and thickness are perfect, the issue might simply be that your client’s lashes are naturally very downturned. Choosing a stronger curl will create that lift you need. If you’ve used C lashes, give CC or D a try. If you tried D lashes, then try DD or even L lashes.
  4. Suggest a Lash Lift
    Another fantastic option for clients with very straight or down-angled lashes is a lash lift. If it’s not a service you offer, it’s worth investing some time to become certified since it works so well in conjunction with lash extensions. You’ll want to do the lash lift first, and then follow it up with the lash extension application.

How To Fix Drooping Eyelash Extensions at Home (For Clients)

  1. Brush
    If your lashes seem to be drooping, it is possible they just need to be fluffed up a little. Sometimes, tangled lashes can droop forward because of their combined weight. Using a clean spoolie, gently detangle them from the top and bottom.
  2. Wash
    Are you washing your lashes every day using a dedicated extension brush and lash shampoo?
    If you’ve been a little behind on your aftercare, give your lash extensions a good washing. Otherwise, debris and oil buildup may cause the lashes to sag, not to mention it can damage your lashes and overall retention.
  3. Talk to Your Stylist
    If brushing and washing didn’t do the trick, you need to talk to your stylist. Take a few photos to illustrate the drooping, and ask for a consultation prior to your next appointment. It could be a simple issue to resolve with slightly lighter or curlier lashes.

How To Prevent Droopy Eyelash Extensions?

Preventing droopy lash extensions is as crucial as fixing them. It involves a combination of careful planning, expert application, and client education. Here are key strategies for prevention:

  • Customized Styling: Every client has unique lash types needs tailored lash mapping for eye shapes. Tailoring the lash extension style to these individual characteristics can prevent droopiness. This includes considering the length, volume, and curvature of the extensions to complement the client’s natural lashes.
  • Weight-to-Strength Ratio: It’s essential to balance the weight of the extensions with the strength of the client’s natural lashes. Heavier extensions on weaker lashes can lead to droopy eyelash extensions, so choosing lighter and more suitable extensions is crucial.
  • Correct Curl Selection: Using the appropriate curl type is critical, especially for clients with downward-facing natural lashes. Selecting a curl that counters this natural tendency can help maintain the desired upward lash look.
  • Proper Client Education: Educating clients on proper aftercare routines is fundamental. This includes advising on gentle cleaning, avoiding heavy makeup, and sleeping positions that don’t put pressure on the lashes. Educated clients are more likely to maintain their lash health and appearance between appointments.

Prevention of eyelash extension drooping is a collaborative effort between the lash technician and the client. By choosing the right extensions and educating clients on proper care, lash professionals can significantly reduce the likelihood of droopiness, ensuring long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing results that boost client confidence and satisfaction.

To wrap up, managing droopy eyelash extensions is all about knowing your stuff and staying flexible. It’s important to get the basics right – from how you apply them to picking the right kind of lashes. And don’t forget, things in the lash world are always changing. Keeping up with the latest tricks and tools will help you stay on top of your game and keep your clients happy.

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